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The Secrets of Hosting A Successful Webinar For Leads & Sales

Webinars can be extremely powerful tools to generate leads and close more sales. However, today, an unprecedented number of online events are available on a daily basis, and 83% of people are willing to attend just one webinar per week. 

These trends have made it all the more difficult for webinars to stand out and receive the attention and attendance rate they deserve! So, how can you make sure that the event you have spent so long planning will lead to the expected outcomes? 

Get started with the essential webinar planning tips below!

Know Who Your Target Audience Is

According to recent statistics, 73% of B2B marketers consider webinars to be the most effective strategy to generate quality leads and, on average, you can expect 20-40% of your attendees to become prospective buyers. 

However, this all depends on the type of audience you will be able to attract and how you’ll interact with them. That is why the most important step is to pinpoint your buyer persona and your targeted demographics. 

Once you are clear on who your ideal attendees are, it will be easier to craft a more effective promotional campaign for your webinar.

Market Your Event Through the Right Channels

Some of the best ways to make your webinar better include engaging with the event’s participants, interacting with your attendees, sharing stories, and encouraging questions. But, none of this is possible without a receptive, interested audience!

Consider marketing your company’s online event by tapping into those media channels where your target audience is already present. For example, depending on the age and interests of your buyer persona, you might consider using ads on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn. 

Choose the right platform

Not just to have better control over the entire webinar experience but to get your webinar strategy up and running, you must consider an event ticketing system for online as an extension of your webinar. After all, a professional platform will enable you to add exclusivity in many aspects.

From selling tickets online or at the door to collecting donations, running email, and social media campaigns to live streaming your event, you can have a lot on your plate.

Securing a laptop rental can streamline the technical aspects of live streaming your event, ensuring smooth execution and professional presentation throughout the entire webinar experience.

Even the software comes with engagement features like Q/As or live polls, which can make webinar platforms more engaging.

Add Exclusivity

Most webinars are free and open to everyone, which is a great strategy to attract as many interested people as possible. However, if your goal is to boost your leads and sales, you should consider the benefits of adding a layer of exclusivity to your events. 

For example, limiting the number of attendees, creating custom event registration forms, or recommending a minimum level of knowledge can help you attract individuals that are truly interested and receptive to the topic. 

Pro-tip – on average, webinars receive 260 registrations and, of those who have registered, only 40-50% will end up attending the event. To boost attendance, consider keeping the registration form to 5-7 fields, offering prizes, and welcoming a guest speaker. 

Keep It Short and Sweet

As webinars are held online via platforms such as Zoom or Google Meet, keeping your audience engaged and entertained can be a challenge. 

While you might not have control over how much attendees are willing to interact with you during the event, some best practices can help you keep your audience focused and engaged. 

These include:

  • Keep your event running time below 1 hour (ideally 30-45 minutes)
  • Deliver event programs in advance, so attendees know what to expect
  • Hone your presentation skills 
  • Plan for debates and interactive activities

Pro Tip – Don’t skip the Q&A session! Over 90% of webinar attendees will expect a Q&A session to be held towards the end of the seminar. And, even if you only get the chance to answer one or two questions, that represents an unmissable opportunity to connect with your audience and improve the delivery of your next webinar. 

Choose Your Date and Time Wisely

According to statistics, the best days to host a webinar are mid-week days. In particular, people who have registered for the event are more likely to attend on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 

When choosing the time for your webinar, there are some key best practices to keep in mind. Firstly, online events held in the morning are over 90% more successful than those held in the evenings. What’s more, people prefer to host and hold webinars between 11 am and 2 pm, except for lunch hour (noon). 

While these are general statistics, you should strive to better understand the needs and schedules of your audience. For example, if you are looking to target families with kids, you should choose times at which parents are free (i.e.: during school time). 

Make Your Webinar Available After the Live Event Has Ended

Even if you have chosen an ideal time for your webinar, some of those who have registered to attend might not be able to make it. However, the fact that they had registered shows an interest in your company, service, or products. 

Make sure to take advantage of this sentiment by sending out a recording of the webinar to those who have registered. This is also a great way to continue the conversation with your qualifying leads!

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