Need to find that next great Project Manager? In this article we will go over some of the best project manager interview questions you can ask candidates when conducting your next interview.
1. How Have You Managed Challenging Projects?
This project manager interview questions will help you see how the candidate tackles problems, deal with conflicts, and lead teams.
You should also get a sense of their problem-solving abilities when working on difficult projects and tight deadlines.
This is also a good chance to see what kind of project management methodologies they prefer such as Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Kanban, Lean or other types.
2. Describe Your Management Style
This interview question for project managers is a question that applies to many types of management positions.
Whether the project manager has a hands-on style, laid-back style, or something in between they need to be effective.
Depending on the team and type of project they may need to alter their management style. This will help fit the needs of the team members and project goals.
You want a project manager that has many leadership techniques in their bag that be used when the situation calls for them.
3. Describe Your Communication Style
A project manager must be an effective communicator to be successful. There are always challenges when speaking to stakeholders, vendors, customers, and team members.
Each type of team member needs to be communicated with a little differently.
A good project manager will know how to strike the right balance between different team members and smooth over any issues that pop up.
A project manager without good communication skills is probably one to avoid.
4. Have You Managed Remote Teams?
Project managers may be managing team members from around the world that they never see. Depending on the type of project you’re hiring for this information could be key.
Project managers that can not effectively manage remote teams may experience problems. These issues can cause project delays and into the companies bottom line causing costs to skyrocket.
5. What Makes a Great Project Manager in your Eyes?
There is no wrong answer to this project manager interview question. The answer should give you a good indicator of what they think a successful project manager looks like.
Just make sure who they describe is what you are looking for in that next project manager candidate.
6. Talk About A Big Mistake You Made on a Project
A project manager that can admit mistakes and learn from them can be a valuable asset to a company. If you ask this question and the interviewee can’t think of anything be wary. We all make mistakes.
Being honest and talking about them shows character and humility.
7. Explain How You Prioritize Tasks On A Project
Organizational skills reign supreme as a project manager. They may be managing budgets, team members, dealing with stakeholders, and other important tasks.
Having excellent prioritization skills is key to being a great project manager.
8. What Is Your Favorite Project Management Software?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question. There are many great project management tools such as Monday, ClickUp, Wrike, Asana, Basecamp and others.
Make sure the project manager you hire is well versed in many digital tools for remote teams and onsite teams. This includes social media management tools, content planning and design tools.
Project managers need to be able to run virtual meetings, track time, generate reports, create Gantt charts to measure progress, and budget resources.
They need to be able to manage different project stages simultaneously so having a good grasp on agile project management is essential.
Being up to date on various software systems with the ability to use project collaboration tools helps in this process.
9. Do You Have Experience Managing Budgets?
This is an important question to ask during a project management interview. Project managers are natural planners leading a team to the finish line.
When working on projects, budgets and money are always involved.
Having a project manager that is able to stay on task and budget is crucial.
10. What Type of Projects Do You Like to Work On?
Project managers are usually assigned projects instead of choosing them. This interview question will give you a sense of the types of projects they like to manage and excel in.
11. What Type of Projects Do You Like to Avoid?
Everyone has certain types of projects or certain things they don’t like to work on. However, you want a project manager that can handle challenges.
Project managers need to respond to business needs quickly even if the project is not their preferred choice.
You want a project manager candidate that is honest about the types of projects they dislike compared to someone who says they like everything.
12. What Creative Problem-Solving Techniques Do You Use?
A great interview question that can create an interesting discussion during the job interview.
Use this question to find out some recent ways they have used creative thinking to solve problems on their last few projects.
13. How Would Your Colleagues Describe You?
This is a classic job interview question for project managers. Do team members describe them as laid back, a taskmaster, the communicator, or someone that pays attention to every detail.
What they tell you in this answer should give you a good idea of how they view themselves working within a team environment.
14. What is The Most Important Thing a Project Manager Can Do To Keep a Project On Track?
The work of a project manager requires balance and efficiency. The project manager needs to monitor the progress of assigned tasks of individual team members.
They need to avoid any micromanaging. However, the manager needs to be hands-on enough to accomplish the project’s goals.
These questions for the interviewee will help you find a strong candidate that can keep a team focused on daily tasks and assignments.
15. What Do You Spend Most of Your Time Doing at Work?
This project manager interview question should shed light on how they perform their job on a daily basis. Are they a project manager that prefers being out in the field or someone who sits at their desk all day?
Remember just because they generally do one or the other does not mean they can’t excel in other areas of project management. Many projects managers need to effectively manage remote teams.
16. How Have You Improved The Project Management Processes at Your Current Company?
A project manager may have not had the chance to overall companies project management processes. However, they still should have made suggestions in previous roles that can help improve overall performance and efficiency.
You want to search for a project manager that has fresh ideas and is not afraid to suggest them to upper management.
17. Have You Had trouble delegating In The Past? If So What Issues Did That Cause?
This gives the project manager interviewee a chance to talk about something that went wrong. It shows they can be honest and learn from their mistakes.
A project manager must be able to delegate work for the project team to be an effective leader.
18. Tell Me About a Conflict You Had On Your Team and How You Solved It
You want a project manager that has good conflict resolution skills that can resolve problems and put out any fires quickly.
19. How Do You Track Your Teams Performance?
Tracking a team’s project progress is a big part of being an effective project manager. There are many project management software tools that help in this process.
A project manager needs to be able to see trouble spots and deal with underperforming team members quickly and effectively.
20. How Do You Keep your Team Motivated?
People are motivated in different ways. A project manager needs to be able to motivate different personalities and backgrounds to achieve the project’s goals.
Knowing how a project manager deals with people and resources is critical when hiring for a project manager position.
21. Talk About How Your Last Project Ended
Every project is a chance to acquire knowledge, learn lessons, and grow as a project manager.
This project manager interview question gives the candidate a chance to highlight some examples of projects they have worked on.
The candidate can highlight things learned, and problems that were solved.
Find the right project manager for your position can be tricky. Use in these project manager interview questions for candidates should make things a little easier.
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Additional Interview Question Resources.
Questions to ask an interviewee