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What types of embedded systems can you use to your business advantage?

Embedded software refers to computer programs or code that are specifically designed to run on a particular device or system, usually with a specific purpose. In reality, this is usually a combination of hardware and software, but this software is different from regular software.

You can’t install it on your computer or phone. Embedded software is built directly into the device or product itself. How can it be used in business?

What exactly is embedded software ?

Embedded software typically takes care of monitoring processes and parts of the system that are essential for its proper operation. It may control the engine, brakes or entertainment system of an autonomous car or monitor the functions of a digital watch. If you designed and are in the process of building it, you may soon be in need of an embedded software development services.

Types of embedded software

There are four types of embedded systems, that can be used for business benefit:

  • stand-alone embedded systems,
  • real-time embedded systems,
  • network embedded systems,
  • mobile embedded systems.

What are stand-alone embedded systems?

Stand-alone embedded systems are a type of embedded system that operates independently without relying on other devices or systems to perform their tasks. They work on their own, without the need to constantly communicate with different, external systems. You may be surprised, but these are the most common embedded systems that surround us. An example of an everyday product with a stand-alone embedded system is a microwave oven. It has its own control circuitry, keypad and power supply and doesn’t have to be connected to any other device or network. Such software is also used in:

  • digital watches,
  • MP3 players, calculators, 
  • temperature measurement systems, 
  • home electrical equipment (such as refrigerators or washing machines).

What is real-time embedded software?

Real-time embedded systems need to deliver results quickly – almost at the very moment they collect data. They focus on generating outputs as fast as possible because they are used in critical industries such as defense and aerospace, where certain data is needed urgently. Real-time embedded software is most commonly used in:

  • aircraft,
  • autonomous cars,
  • military equipment. 

What are network embedded systems?

As the very name implies, network embedded systems rely on wired or wireless networks. They have to communicate with web servers. Such software is designed to work together with other devices and systems – to share data, collaborate on tasks etc., like robots in the warehouse or a factory. Each device sends data to the main computer, and other devices can use them to perform their functions. 

A network embedded software can be used where processes are automated in order to increase efficiency:

  • in smart homes (also where IoT is used), 
  • in factories and warehouses,
  • in healthcare.

What are mobile embedded systems?

Did you know that mobile embedded systems operate right next to you every day (actually, in most cases every second)? This software is used by small, portable devices – like your smartphone, laptop or calculator. Sounds similar to something, right? Well, all mobile embedded systems are stand-alone embedded systems, but not the other way around. We can agree that a phone or a laptop is a mobile device, but is a dishwasher portable or mobile? You see the difference. Examples of products that use mobile embedded software:

  • a phone,
  • a laptop,
  • a calculator.

Understanding these types of embedded software would make it easier for you to participate in their development. Be aware!

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