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What HVAC Technicians Do (And How to Become One)

Some of you might be looking at the word HVAC and have absolutely no idea what that means. If so, then don’t worry because a lot of us live our lives without realizing how dependent we are on HVAC technicians.

They install, fix and maintain HVAC systems to keep indoor and environments at a comfortable temperature. This post is going to break down what it is exactly that HVAC technicians do, and how to become one.

What Does HVAC Mean?

First off, HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Technicians who work in this highly skilled discipline ensure that we live in comfortable and healthy environments.

Whether that is in the workplace, a shopping center, or in your own home.

We are unknowingly reliant on HVAC systems working, and these systems are the cornerstone of modern-day living. Put simply, without them, we would not be a happy bunch.

What Do HVAC Technicians Do?

You may be wondering what an HVAC technician does, but there is no short answer as every job will vary from day to day, from place to place, from company to company, and so on.

Technicians face daily challenges and have to be able to think quickly to solve problems on the job. Typical duties you can expect as an HVAC technician include the following:

  • Installing new systems, components, and parts
  • Removing old systems
  • Repairing old parts and components 
  • Fixing/adjusting electrical wiring
  • Conducting regular system inspections 
  • Performing maintenance work
  • Problem-solving to find the source of an issue
  • Interacting with clients and explaining to them any issues their system has and the options they have when it comes to dealing with it. 
  • General admin, filing paperwork and recording action

The higher-up HVAC technicians, such as the supervisors and contractors will have more responsibilities, including scheduling duties, delegating jobs, and following up with clients to ensure that they are satisfied with the job that has been done.

How to Become an HVAC Technician?

You have to train to become an HVAC technician and to be able to train you must have a high school diploma or GED. There are many ways you can get the training you need.

To understand the different options visit and you can get more in-depth information there.

The most common ways people become HVAC technicians is through an apprenticeship program, enrolling in a technical college HVAC program, or through online training courses. There is a multitude of online programs that can help you get your skills and knowledge ready for an apprenticeship. 

Apprenticeships will involve coursework, but you will be paid on the job.

Generally, the programs take roughly four years to complete, and while this may seem like a long time, you are getting the invaluable training you need to become a top-notch HVAC technician. 

Where to Get the Best Training

It is not as simple as picking a school or picking an apprenticeship and being done with it.

There is a lot to consider when choosing a program, for instance, location, tuition fees, course requirements, course length, and so on.

There are many great schools out there for you to choose from, so make sure you are thinking about what is realistic for you. Also, you have to consider the accreditation that schools/programs are offering. 

Accreditations and certifications include HVAC Excellence and PAHRA, the Partnership for Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Accreditation.

By securing one or more of these accreditations, it will look great on your resume and will make you seem like a more legitimate technician. 

HVAC Technician Salary and Career Development

For those of you who are considering pursuing a career as an HVAC technician, there is a wide range of careers to choose from. Salary will vary depending on the company you work for and the area you are working in.

However, according to PayScale (2020), entry-level HVAC jobs can expect a yearly salary that falls somewhere between $24,000 annually to $55,000.

The average salary for entry-level jobs is $40,214 per year, which equates to $15.03 an hour. If you are hoping to earn more than the average then start building up your skill set in HVAC system design.

Becoming an HVAC technician will take some time and effort, however, if you undertake an apprenticeship then you can learn while getting paid for the work that you do.

HVAC technicians will always be in demand, and this demand is likely to increase in the next few years, so starting your training now is the step in building a successful career.

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