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Video Interviewing and Remote Hiring

Woman Working From Home Having Group Videoconference On Laptop

Based on statistics, 83% of companies say remote interviewing improves hiring. 40% of organizations use remote hiring techniques. TechRepublic reports that 86% of organizations use video conferencing to conduct job interviews. This shows the popularity of video interviewing and remote hiring is increasing. 

Many managers believe it is a productive way for hiring. They say it provides a platform to compare and contrast applicants quickly. Furthermore, it eliminates delays caused by scheduling. Additionally, hiring managers stay productive in other important work. 

Increased use of video interviewing and remote hiring

Video interviewing and remote hiring is revolutionizing the entire hiring process. Companies are increasingly adopting digital technologies for hiring workers. Unlike traditional hiring, remote hiring saves costs. Additionally, it is more efficient and convenient. The most common remote hiring use case is video interviewing. 

Organizations today use different video conferencing software when hiring. According to Robert Walters, video interviewing has increased by 67%. Already, 86% of companies are doing remote interviews when hiring. Remote interviewing and hiring have grown in popularity more than ever. Remote hiring apps help organizations accomplish different goals such as.

  • Screen candidates
  • Conduct remote interviews
  • Provide feedback on applicant performance
  • Evaluation of applicant’s soft and technical skills
  • Generating reports and hiring statistics

Based on Zippia’s report, 80% of jobs are advertised online. Applicants conduct job searches on job websites and social media. Above this, they also search websites, blogs, and company portals. It is not surprising that most employers hire online. Organizations need to record each interview for references. Due to this, computer storage can fill quickly which can slow it or cause any other bugs

Benefits and challenges of remote interviewing and hiring

Video interviewing can be conducted live or offline. In live interviewing, employers engage candidates in real time. In offline interviews, candidates receive pre-recorded interviews and questions. Nevertheless, the process experiences different benefits and challenges. 

Benefits of remote interviewing and hiring

  • Convenience: Candidates do not need to travel to the company to get interviewed. Furthermore, they do not need to stay in a queue waiting for their chance. The candidate will only connect when their interview time comes. 
  • Flexibility: Companies do not need to interview their candidates in one day. They can schedule to interview a few people daily. This allows managers time to work and remain productive.
  • Efficiency: Companies can record and share interviews with other departments. Each departmental leader gets a chance to give their input about the candidate.
  • Cost-effective: Organizations do not need to provide refreshments, paperwork, and furniture. Candidates do not need to burn gas or spend time traveling to a company. It saves time and money. 
  • Possibility to gain better talent: Organizations can hire employees from any part of the world. Remote hiring extends the possibilities of getting better talent. 

Challenges of remote interviewing and hiring

  • Total number of applicants: Oftentimes, companies receive high numbers of applicants. It becomes harder to shortlist candidates for interviews.
  • Time zone differences: Applicants might be located in different time zones. Sometimes, it forces organizations to interview applicants at odd times. 
  • Technical challenges: An applicant might not have the best devices or technologies to connect them online. For instance, their internet and device might be slow.
  • Dealing with biases: Sometimes it is harder for interviewers to avoid biases. Mostly, biases come due to a lack of standardized questions and scoring. 

Tips for successful remote hiring

  • Know where to get candidates: You need to know where to get candidates to interview. That means understanding where to place job ads. Lately, more organizations are advertising jobs on social media and job boards. When you advertise on the right platform, you will get the right candidates to interview. 
  • Use remote hiring tools: Remote hiring software helps your organization use the latest hiring technologies. Additionally, the tools help organizations increase transparency in hiring. Furthermore, they are accurate and more efficient. 
  • Look for the specific skill set that you need: Hire people with the right technological proficiency and soft skills. Additionally, look for specific industry-oriented skills. 
  • Create an interview questionnaire: To avoid biases, create a standardized online interview questionnaire. Have all the paperwork ready before the interview date and time. This is important when the number of candidates is large. 
  • Practice transparency: The entire process needs to be transparent. It is one of the best ways to attract the best talent in your company. Do not hide information such as work demands, salary or wages, and expectations. 
  • Choose your best hiring strategy: A hiring strategy includes where to place job ads. Also, decide who will conduct interviews and the strategy to use. 


Remote hiring and interviewing are destined to become the main recruiting strategy. Organizations want to tap into its benefits such as efficiency, time, and cost.

Nevertheless, the process faces several challenges. Candidates could be located in different time zones. Moreover, the total number of applicants submitted could be too large. Organizations need to know where to place job ads, and when and how to interview. 

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