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Top 18 Vue JS Interview Questions and Answers


The tech globe seems to be improvising itself now and then and so are we. You see every other day you must come across a brand new tech or tool or concept popping up. Some of them do succeed while others fade away over time passing by.

Call it a boon or a bane but you can never run out of supply of tools and technologies, there are a plethora of options available to serve. Some of which can be extremely useful such as Vue.js while others are redundant at best.

Well, as the title suggests, the following post focuses on the Vue.js framework, and why is it so still in vogue if you are willing to pursue your career in Vue.js development then here are some of the top 18 Vue.js questions and answersto take into account to ace your upcoming interview. 

Often known as Vue, Vue.js has been one of the leading open-source models-view-view-model front-end JavaScript frameworks since its inception. Vue.js has been used to develop numerous single-page applications and user interfaces.

Developed by Evan You, even today the framework is successfully maintained by him and his team members. This is something you must know if you are willing to work in the most reputable and reliable Vue.js development company.

Over a few years, Vue.js seems to have increased a lot in terms of popularity across the globe, and why not since it offers a wide range of benefits such as easy to use, seamless integration, dynamic user interface, robustness, high scalability, wide ecosystem, and whatnot! Furthermore, Vue.js stands out for its simplicity and detailed documentation.

  • Easy integration
  • Seamless documentation
  • Steep learning curve
  • High-end flexibility and simplicity
  • Handy Conventions
  • Developer-friendly
  • Future-proof
  • Progressive
  • Tons of libraries
  • Large Community

And above all, the framework weighs only eighteen to twenty-three kilobytes. The framework has a low entry threshold which means even those who have begun their adventure using different libraries, you no longer need to get acquainted with other frameworks,  So basically what’s not to like?

Before delving deeper, you need to understand who is a Vue.js developer and what his role and responsibilities are.

First and foremost being a Vue.js developer you are solely responsible for developing unique user interfaces. Well, this can be done simultaneously while designing websites and advanced applications and even developing mobile apps. Vue.js is not limited in terms of usage, so you won’t be bored with your routine work. I can vouch for that.   

Now being a developer, your basic task will be to write the code and optimize it well. You might even get the responsibility of adapting a wide range of functions depending on the different needs of the client. Also, in case you get stuck somewhere, you will have an entire large community of professionals for backup.

Why learn Vue.js? Well, one of the core reasons to consider Vue.js as your career path is that it is pretty simple to use. You see Vue is entirely based on Javascript which means even novice developers can have easy access. As mentioned earlier, in case of any issue or problem, there is a huge community to back up. And the community is so damn large that it won’t vanish in the upcoming years for sure. So don’t worry!

The next benefit is amazing flexibility and easy to get started with. And there is no such thing as innovative and unconventional solutions that cannot be created from simple and easy-to-use javascript frameworks.

So have you thought about beginning your first coding adventure as a Vue.js developer? If so, then first and foremost you need to excel at Javascript. Don’t even think about fishing without understanding the use of the fishing rod.

The good part is that even if you don’t have any past experience in coding, you can simply begin as this one is a high-level language where the syntax doesn’t need to be understood just by machines but also by humans. However, having a sincere knowledge of HTML and CSS can be quite beneficial as a Vue.js developer.

Vue.js is the only framework that is highly recommended for beginners. I hope now you know why.

Still not convinced with Vue.js? Well, here is another crucial technical benefit, server-side rendering. Most of the backend developers do care about servers, how about if you can save yourself from reusing some of the components that have been already developed by front-end teams? Can you imagine what can happen?

#1 Better SEO

#2 Quick time to content even on slow devices

Apart from this check out the Vue.js reactivity system where it is possible to perform real-time validation, updates, and quick feedback. The system is quite easy to understand and implement. So developing real-time applications is no longer an issue. 

Now enough is said about why you should consider Vue.js as your career option. Time to focus on the next move. Are you planning to apply as a Vue.js developer? Then keep reading further to know what skills are required and the top 18 Vue.js interview questions and answers to consider.

Must have Skills as a Vue.js developer

#1 JavaScript, HTML & CSS

The first and foremost skill is to have an adequate knowledge of Javascript, HTML, and CSS. When you do excel here, you are bound to have a solid backbone that enables in seamless Vue.js app development. By understanding javascript, I mean being updated with today’s times as well, i.e. ES6+ syntax that is highly recommended to write more concise and efficient code. Moreover, proficiency in asynchronous programming is a must.

#2 Git

Another important skill to take into consideration is Git. Now Git is a version control system (VCS) that enables you to track relevant changes within your files. As a result, working on ongoing projects becomes quite simplified. Now for Git, you require two things, first, install it on your computing devices, and second do not forget to create an account on a cloud-based platform like GitHub and GitLab. Here you can store the code successfully. Even you can rope in other developers to work on the existing codebase with the help of Git.

#3 Rendering Methods

Another crucial skill to take into account is rendering methods. Well, Vue.js supports a wide range of rendering templates, render functions, and JSX. Those who have gained some amount of experience in Vue.js do know the difference between different rendering methods and understand when to employ each one while focusing on the situation at hand. Moreover, render functions and JSX enable amazing flexibility and control over advanced rendering logic.

Once you have aced an understanding of all these methodologies, nothing can stop you from creating more dynamic user interfaces which are compatible with different project requirements.

#4 Basics of Vue programming language

Now isn’t this quite obvious? To succeed as a Vue.js developer, you need to get well-acquainted with the basics of Vue as a programming language. You can check out the Vue documentation for more detailed information. You see getting started with Vue is quite easy. You can either develop a part in Vue or entirely the app on Vue.

As the app grows in size, Vue will scale accordingly. 

#5 Customization

The next skill to take into account is seamless customization. Now as a Vue.js developer, you must know how to use component libraries. These are extremely essential tools to speed up development procedures with the help of all pre-built components. You see there are times when using off-the-shelf components might not fit perfectly with the project’s unique design and functional requirements.

As a result, customization is needed here. Vue.js developers are often asked to program in such customization to cope up with the project’s specific needs, ensuring a personalized look and feel.

And now it’s time for the grand reveal. Time to think of some of the most common questions and answers asked by reputable Vue.js development companies that can help you crack the interview for a Vue.js developer.

Top 18 Vue.js Interview Questions and Answers.

1. What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is one of the leading open-source javascript frameworks that is used to develop an innovative range of user interfaces and dynamic single-page applications.

2. What are the important features of Vue.js?

  • Easy integration
  • Event handling
  • Routing
  • Data Binding
  • Light-weight nature
  • Seamless Integration
  • Pre-built Templates

3. What are the components in Vue?

Well, different front-end frameworks comprise of different components. You see having a basic understanding of different components is a must here.

Now components are basic building blocks which enable developers to split the UI into smaller, independent and reusable pieces. Vue has its very own component model that offers encapsulation of the content and logic within each component.   

4. What are slots?

Another component-related question that might be asked is what are slots? Now slot is an extremely useful feature that ensures developers lots and lots of flexibility in developing robust and reusable sets of components. In fact, slots enable developers to easily pass in template content or fragments to a different component.

5. What are single-page applications?

Mainly known as SPA, these are lightweight applications that mainly function within a single web page. Yes, there is no need for full-page reloading even if the user is interacting with the application.  

6. What is Virtual DOM in Vue.js?

A virtual DOM is a Java representation of a Document Object Model (DOM), which is lightweight.

7. What are lifecycle hooks in Vue.js?

Lifecycle hooks are functions that vue instance runs through. Right from before create to create, before mount, mounted, before updated, updated, destroyed, and before destroy are all lifecycle hooks. 

8. How is Vue CLI beneficial?

  • Developing interactive projects becomes easy with @vue/cli scaffolding
  • Here you can find an extensive collection of official plugins
  • Seamless integration with top frontend tools
  • Projects developed using a graphical user interface
  • Rapid prototyping with zero configuration using @vue/CLI and @vue/CLI-service-global

9. What is the difference between one-way data flow and two-way data binding in Vue.js?

FactorsOne-Way Data FlowTwo-Way Data Binding
DefinitionHere data flows from parent to child componentsHere data flows in both directions from parent to child and visa versa
SyntaxData is passed with the help of propsData is bound to form input elements using the ‘v-model’ directive.
Benefitssimple, easy to track data for relevant changes, enhanced performanceEasy to handle user input, the amount of code needed to handle data synchronization is reduced.
Example<child-component :message=”parentMessage”></child-component>           <input v-model=”message”>    

10. What are the differences between static and dynamic props?

A static props tend to support lightmap lightning and vertex lightning whereas dynamic props tend to conduct single point worth of lightning.

11. Does Vue.js provide two-way communications?

Of course, Vue.js does support two-way communication.

12. Are Filters reusable in Vue?

Again yes, filters are reusable in Vue.

13. Can you mention some core advantages of Vue?

  • Seamless integration
  • User-friendly
  • Great Performance
  • Easy to learn
  • Reliable

14. Is Vue.js fast, can you tell us why?

Well, in comparison to other available Javascript frameworks, Vue.js is definitely fast-paced, due to its lightweight and virtual DOM.

15. Do you know how to use v-for directives for rendering a set of elements?

Option 1 – v-for directive with an array

<ul id=”list”>

  <li v-for=”