Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut? If so, it may be time to think about making some changes. The first step is to figure out what direction you want your career to go in.
Many different factors will help you determine which industry or company would be the best fit for your needs. Once this has been decided, do the research and make sure they have openings for someone with your skillset.

Do Not Quit Your Job Until You Have A New One
Quitting your current job before you have a new one lined up is dangerous. It means that, in most cases, you will be out of work and unable to pay the bills while also looking for another position.
This can mean months without an income or savings quickly dwindling. If this has happened to you in the past when changing jobs, then think about why it went wrong and what steps you could take to avoid similar mistakes again with your next career move.
If possible try and line up two positions at once so that if anything goes pear-shaped on either side – such as being let go from your old role or not receiving enough notice from your future employer – then there will still be an income coming into the household which means you don’t have to worry quite so much.
You can also take a course on various topics to get a head-start on the new role and get you ahead of your competition.
Drug testing businesses are on the rise as employers look to screen out potential drug users from their places of employment, so looking at DOT requirements for drug testing is a good idea for anyone in the field of medicine.
Having a new job lined up also means that you can negotiate your terms with the job at hand, rather than being forced into an uncomfortable situation where either they hire you on whatever basis or lose out altogether.
Having options is always beneficial in life and having this second position ready will give you more confidence when presenting yourself as someone who knows what direction they want their career to go in.
And finally, lining up another role before quitting shows commitment which employers like to see – even if the first one isn’t working out fully for some reason (or indeed doesn’t pay enough).
It demonstrates high standards of work ethic and motivation, qualities any business owner would be glad to find under contract because they will lead to long-term success and stability.
Make A List Of Your Skills
This is going to be a running list that you’ll keep updating as you move through the rest of your career exploration phase. Once you know what kind of career you want to embark upon, this list will help give you a strong idea of the education and skills that are going to be needed for your chosen career path.
For now, however, keep in mind that as many as 80% of jobs require more than one skill set. There’s been an upward trend from about 50% ten years ago to today where employees need at least five different sets of skills!
So make sure to include every single possible skill on your list – even ones you might not think apply because they seem too “basic” or unrelated. You never know when a particular set of knowledge could come in handy down the road if someone is looking to hire you.
Some questions to consider as you compile your list might be: What are my strengths? What am I good at? What do people compliment me on the most? Are there any activities or hobbies that I’m passionate about that could also translate into a viable career choice? Do I have any experience in a previous job that could be applicable in this new field?
Once you have an idea of what to include, start brainstorming and get creative! The more comprehensive your list is, the better.
Research Your Options
This is an important step in making a career change. You need to make sure you are making the right decision for yourself.
This means researching different careers, learning about the job market for those careers, and getting an idea of what it would be like to work in that field. The more information you have, the better-informed decision you can make. You can research careers online, through books or articles, or by talking to people who work in that field.
The best way to get accurate information is to speak with professionals directly. Ask them about their experience working in the field, what they like and don’t like about it, and any advice they would give someone thinking of entering that career path.
Talking to people who are already doing what you want to do is one of the best ways to get an idea of what your career change would be like.
Finally, research the necessary skills and experience required for the new career. Make sure you have the skills and experience needed before making a move. You may need to take some courses or gain some work experience to be qualified for your desired career path.
Don’t make any moves until you are confident you have what it takes to make the change.
Network The Right Way
Networking is about meeting new people, so don’t be afraid to get out there and start talking with strangers! You never know who might be able to help you through your career transition or offer advice on how they managed it themselves.
A great place to meet like-minded professionals in the industry that you’re hoping to break into is at events hosted by different organizations or educational institutions—talk to everyone around you and ask them what their story is.
After you have read this article, if you want to make a change in your life for the better – don’t wait any longer! Follow these steps and soon enough, you will be enjoying your new career. It’s never too late to follow what you’re passionate about and succeed at it.