Whether you’re in university, looking for a job, or already have one, job satisfaction statistics can give you a lot of helpful information.
Knowing what jobs are most satisfying can help you decide on a future career or give you the motivation to switch to a more fulfilling job.
Job satisfaction statistics reveal that some of the most satisfying jobs include clergy, chiropractor, chief executive, and nurse. Roofers, waiters, bartenders, and cashiers have low satisfaction. In the U.S., 65% of employees are satisfied with their jobs, with 20% being passionate about their jobs.
There are hundreds of statistics out there. But if you’re looking for some of the most crucial job satisfaction statistics, you’ve come to the right place.
This article will cover which jobs are the most satisfying and why their satisfaction levels tower over other career paths.
Why Does Job Satisfaction Matter?
Job satisfaction can majorly affect workers, which in turn affects the company.
When employees are satisfied with their careers, they usually align with the company’s goals and mission. An employee who supports the company’s mission will be loyal and more likely to spread only good things about the company to friends and family.
Introducing unique corporate rewards can further enhance this satisfaction, directly contributing to an employee’s sense of value and belonging within the organization.
There’s also lower turnover when most of the employees are satisfied with their jobs. The lower turnover will help the HR department save money and spend more time finding qualified future employees.
Satisfied employees are also more productive. If they believe in what they’re doing, they’ll want to get the job done and get it done well for the sake of the company and team. These actions will then increase profit since they’re working harder.
As we can see, job satisfaction is crucial to a company’s success. However, it’s also essential for the well-being of the employee. Job satisfaction will significantly influence the employee’s mindset and happiness in the workplace.
General Job Satisfaction Statistics
Now, let’s take a look at some general job satisfaction statistics.
We now know that job satisfaction is essential for both the employees and the company. Learning more about job satisfaction worldwide can help you choose a better job or help you realign your goals if you’re in charge of a company.
- 65% of employees in the US are satisfied with their job
- 20% of employees in the US are passionate about their job
- 60% of employees believe that their coworkers are the biggest contributor to their happiness at work
- Companies with high worker satisfaction outperform low satisfaction companies by 202%
- 45% of Generation Y (Millennials) are completely satisfied with their current job/career path
- 74% of employees in the US believe that company culture is one of the biggest contributing factors to job satisfaction
- 58% of employees in Japan are unsatisfied with their job
- 57% of employees that work from home are satisfied with their job
- 81% of employees in the legal industry find their job boring and dissatisfying
Offering employee incentives can significantly boost these satisfaction rates, further enhancing employee engagement and retention.
What Are the Most Satisfying Jobs in the World?
Now that we’re familiar with some general job satisfaction statistics, let’s look at the world’s most satisfying jobs.
Job satisfaction will increase your overall happiness and feelings of fulfillment in life. If you don’t have a satisfying job, perhaps it is time to consider moving to a different industry.
Several surveys by CareerBliss, PayScale, and US News & World Report have found the following jobs to be the most satisfying:
- Clergy
- Chiropractor
- Chief Executive
- Dentist
- Conservation Scientist
- Medical and Health Services Manager
- Firefighter
- Human Resources Manager
- Physician
- Nurse
- Physical Therapist
- Teachers
- Software Developer
- Psychologists
- Surgeons
Why Are These Jobs So Satisfying?
There are a few reasons why these jobs are satisfying.
First of all, in most of these jobs, you’ll find that there’s something new every day. Completing the same task daily can become boring quite quickly, but when each shift is a surprise and less repetitive, the job will feel more interesting.
Another factor that contributes to satisfaction is stress. If you’re not working long, intense hours every day, you won’t be as stressed. Jobs with limited stress and regular hours will be better for a person’s overall health in the long term.
Many of these jobs will also have a positive company culture and opportunities for advancement. If an employee doesn’t feel that they’re moving forward in their job, they won’t be satisfied.
Another thing that several of these jobs have in common is that employees are helping people. Social psychologist Elizabeth Dunn explains in her Ted talk that helping others makes us happier. The more employees help people, the more satisfied with their job they feel.
Finally, the majority of the jobs on the list have high salaries. When employees don’t have to worry about having enough money to pay their bills, their stress level will significantly decrease.
Lower amounts of stress will lead to higher job satisfaction.
What Are Some of the Least Satisfying Jobs in the World?
Now we know the most satisfying jobs in the world, let’s see the least satisfying jobs.
However, it’s worth noting that even the lowest-paying jobs can be satisfying depending on the employee. Not all workplaces are the same; this factor can greatly affect how satisfying the job is.
With that in mind, here are the least satisfying jobs:
- Parking Lot Attendants
- Printing Machine Operators
- Fast Food Cooks
- Motorboat Mechanics
- Dishwashers
- Cafeteria Attendants
- Laundry / Dry Cleaning Workers
- Roofers
- Bartenders
- Cashiers
- Waiters
- Expediters
- Home Furnishing Salespersons
Why Aren’t These Jobs Satisfying?
Even though there could be many reasons why these jobs aren’t satisfying, there are a few common ones that employees mention.
One of the main reasons people don’t feel satisfied with their job is that they cannot live comfortably off the salary. When workers have to struggle to pay their rent and grocery bills, it’ll be hard to feel fulfilled with their current job.
Many of these jobs also don’t have benefits, such as health insurance or work bonuses. This factor may lead to workers feeling stuck in a job with no opportunity or support.
Another factor that could lead to a dissatisfying job is a lack of flexibility. Many higher-paying job employees will have the opportunity to choose their hours and take vacations throughout the year.
However, the jobs in the list above won’t be as flexible, becoming the center of an employee’s life.
Many of these jobs also have a high employee turnover. A high turnover will make it hard for employees to build meaningful relationships with one another.
Since 60% of employees believe that coworker relationships are the key to job satisfaction, this could be a major factor affecting an employee’s daily experience.
These jobs don’t feel as satisfying because they don’t revolve around helping people. While employers in these careers help customers on a surface level, you’re not changing people’s lives on a deeper and more meaningful level.
There are a few factors that can affect job satisfaction. These can include coworkers, company culture, pay, flexibility, benefits, tasks, and company mission statements.
Some of the most satisfying jobs are Clergy, chiropractors, physicians, teachers, dentists, and firefighters. A few of the least satisfying jobs include fast-food cooks, waiters, parking lot attendants, bartenders, and roofers.
If you find yourself in a dissatisfying job, consider reading The Art of Find the Job You Love: An Unconventional Guide to Work with Meaning by Cara Heilmann.