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IQ and intelligence tests in the job selection process

The personnel selection processes are part of a company, marking the qualities and characteristics sought specifically to cover a certain job. In addition to the candidate presenting proof of their ability to fill the position, the company can carry out related procedures to certify the candidate’s compatibility with what it’s looking for.

To corroborate this, large companies make use of human resources departments. These usually have recruitment specialists with knowledge in law and psychology to manage candidates in the best possible way and take advantage of all their potential.

To do this, it’s very common to use a certain number of tests where professional ones (or technical knowledge tests), personality tests, and finally, accessing if an IQ Test has even been taken, predominate.

While the first two are basic tests where the job applicant shows his studies or experience (in addition to his personality in a work environment), the IQ test is completely different. 

In this article, we will seek to study in depth how this test works and, at the same time, determine how companies can utilize an IQ test if the applicant shares their scores. 

How do IQ tests work in the workplace?

IQ tests offer a great advantage over others when determining whether a person’s viable for a specific position within a company. That is, if the employee shares their scores. The first is that given the way they are composed, it’s practically impossible to simulate a result, and in addition to that, they are usually quite accurate in their assessment.

These tests are composed of mental ability exercises, where the use of numbers, letters, and images aims to generate a response specific to each person. At the end of the test, a numerical value is obtained that represents the person’s intelligence (usually between 85 and 130).

The truth is that this isn’t the only purpose of these tests, since given how they are structured, it’s also possible to evaluate the individual’s aptitudes separately, allowing one to understand if they are suitable for a position.

What skills can be evaluated in an IQ test?

Depending on the IQ test type, an individual’s aptitude can be measured within the test. This information, if disclosed, can be useful in order to simplify the selection process for personnel who specialize more in one area.

Among the aptitudes evaluated, we can highlight the following:

  • Verbal

Here, companies evaluate the abilities linked to language, the ease of handling linguistic topics, and verbal fluency. Spelling exercises, vocabulary, word definitions, verbal analogies, and antonyms/synonyms are used.

Individuals who excel in this area are ideal for positions in documentation, writing, editing, or positions where language proficiency dominates.

  • Reasoning

Evaluates the ease of analysis of a situation, logic, and speed of thought. Logic tests consisting of letters, numbers, or figures are used for this purpose.

Individuals who excel in these tests stand out for positions where problem-solving and logical creativity are required. This includes engineers, programers, parts designers, operators of complex machinery or mechanics.

  • Numerical Skills

This section evaluates the handling of mathematical operations and processes and how to use them in the work environment. Mathematical tests, numerical reasoning processes, and physical logic scenarios are used.

Those who excel in this area are good for positions that require using numerical operations quickly: accounting, administration, applied or theoretical physics, etc.

  • Perceptual ability

Determines specialized and abstract reasoning and the speed with which certain sensations are perceived. These skills are related to creativity, perception of others, and the ability to think from scratch.

How can this type of test improve the recruitment of quality personnel?

It’s no secret that a company’s success is closely related to the ability of its personnel to perform certain tasks. This leads to the need to place individuals in positions where they can perform tasks to the best of their ability.

IQ tests, as shown, indicate not only the overall intelligence of an applicant, but also the special aptitudes where they excel. This allows a person to be positioned in an area where their skills align with the position to be filled. While employers won’t ask for an IQ test to be taken, applicants can take one to understand themselves better.

Finally, testing could help the human resources department to know in which area certain workers could excel, opening the possibility of future promotions or job changes.

In this way, the company will always be able to count on substitutes within its staff to fill important positions of higher grade without lowering the quality of the product or service offered.

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