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What Not to Include in Your Resume

What information should not be on a resume?

As software developer recruiters that read hundreds of resumes, I many things on a resume that should not be there.

This includes irrelevant work experience, personal information, listing references, wage information from jobs, strange fonts, colors, and more. 

Irrelevant work experience

If you have 3 years of mechanical SolidWorks design experience at your last job companies do not need to see that you worked at the local food mart and local car wash in your previous 3 to 5 years.

Only have relevant work experience listed on your resume that relates to jobs you are currently searching for.

Less is more and having 3 or 4 jobs on your resume that have no bearing on the current one you are applying for is a mistake that you do not need to make.

Personal information and details

When creating a resume for engineering staffing agencies in charlotte stay away from putting a photo of yourself on your resume, your social security number, date of birth, and your full mailing address.

Simply put the city and zip code you live in and will suffice when creating your resume. Avoid security concerns by listing too much personal information on your resume

Listing your references on your resume

When your references are needed an employer or engineering recruiter will ask you for them.

Putting your reference details on your resume may subject them to extra and unnecessary calls from recruiters or even some employers who are just fishing for general information.

Wage Information From Previous Jobs.

We have seen people list their entire wage history job by job on their resume and this is a mistake that will harm you when negotiating pay with an employer.

Another thing to avoid is listing your pay history on an employer’s application or when applying at a technical staffing agency.

Save this information for conversations during the negotiation period when an offer is imminent.

Strange Fonts or Colors on Your Resume.

Stay away from lime green, red, or some other colors when writing a resume just stick to the basic black as it is the easiest to read.

Also do not write your resume in some weird font that is hard to read and stay away from complicated resume formatting. When in doubt simple is best.

If you are searching for a top-notch engineering recruiter, look no further than the team at Apollo Technical.

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The Word “Resume”

Don’t put the word resume on your resume. When you save your resume save it as your name. This makes it easy to search for if a manager or recruiter is searching their email inbox.

The Date You Wrote The Resume

Don’t put the date you wrote on your resume. The only dates you need on your resume are employment dates at your previous companies.

Don’t Put A Photo On Your Resume

When creating your resume US companies do not require you to have a photo on your resume. Having a photo on your resume could lead to a negative reaction about you based on a photo. Avoid putting a photo on your resume, it’s not helpful at all.

Employers want to adhere to equal opportunity standards and laws. Not having a photo allows them to safely adhere to these laws.

Don’t List Your Personal Characteristics

Just like a photo, don’t list your age, gender, height, weight, nationality, eye color, or anything else. This helps employers maintain equal opportunity standards and policies.


If you have a low GPA during your college years don’t list it. While some employers may ask you about it if you’re a new college graduate, it won’t help to list it if it’s on the lower end.

Just list your graduation date, activities, organizations you were apart of, and any awards you received.

Don’t List Your Health Status

Your health status is personal and has no business being on a resume.

Leave it off. If you need special considerations to accept the position you can mention those during the interview or if an offer is made.

Don’t List References Available Upon Request

It is understood that you will provide references if an employer asks for them. You don’t need to list this on your resume.

Leave Off Your Hobbies

Don’t list your hobbies unless they are applicable to the job you are applying for. Employers are not usually interested in this information.

Looking for a new position? Connect with the IT recruiting experts at Apollo Technical.

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