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Start using digital signage to help you to improve company culture

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Improving company culture brings many benefits. It helps to create an engaged workforce that clearly understands the company’s mission and its role in achieving it.

In this article, we are going to explain how you can use digital signage to support your efforts to improve your company culture. We chose this technology because virtually every company already owns at least one screen. Plus, many of them currently have spare ones sitting around gathering dust. Screens that they bought to help them to remind customers of the need to follow CoVid restrictions that are no longer in force. Opening up the chance to re-deploy this equipment and use it to improve company culture.

Why good company culture is not just a luxury

But before we dive into how to do that, let´s just take a look at why creating a good company culture matters. It is a goal a lot of firms have, but one that tends to slide down the list of priorities because people do not realize just how beneficial it is.

73% of people have left a job because of bad culture

The first reason is that having a good company culture makes a big difference when it comes to staff retention. A study carried out by the recruitment company Robert Walters, in the UK, revealed that 73% of people had left a job because of a poor cultural fit.

The cost of hiring a new employee is soaring

This matters because finding a suitable replacement for the employees that have left takes around 42 days. It also costs a lot of money. In many cases, thousands. The recruitment process may not cost much, but training someone and losing productivity due to the fact it takes time for them to get up to speed, adds up.

So, there is no reason not to take a piece of equipment that is currently underutilized and turn it into a useful tool. Here is how to quickly improve company culture using digital signage.

Remind everyone of why they are there

It is not enough to simply train your employees to do their job. If you take that approach over time they will become bored and unmotivated. Understanding why they are doing something helps to ensure that they stay engaged and continue to do the best possible job.

To share motivational messages

It does not take long to create motivational images or a graphic that reminds people of the company´s mission and goals. In places like canteens where people are sitting still and have time to listen, playing a message from the CEO is another option.

Use screens to help to keep everyone organized

People like being in well-organized workplaces. They do not respond well to chaos.

There are lots of ways digital screens can be used to keep people organized. For example, reminding them of the time and location of important meetings.

To promote team building events

A lot of companies host team-building events as a way of improving cohesion. These events are highly effective. But only if they are well attended. Digital signage can easily be used to make people aware of these events and to explain how to sign up for them.

To share the details of training opportunities

Studies show that people feel valued when their employers offer them the chance to improve their knowledge and skill sets. One of the best ways to do that is to provide plenty of training opportunities. Again, these can be widely advertised using digital screens.

Celebrate success

Celebrating achievements is another way of showing employees that they are appreciated. The details of goals achieved, awards, and other accomplishments can be shared using either still images or short videos.

Improving safety

Providing people with a safe place to work is a vital part of improving company culture. Accidents impact morale negatively and cause other issues that undermine good company culture. So, reminding people of safety using highly targeted images and videos is important.

Tailor the message to the audience

The fact that images and videos that are being displayed can vary from screen to screen provides business owners with the chance to create highly targeted messages. For example, remind shop floor workers of their goals and share progress. While at the same time, displaying a different set of goals and results in the office areas that are related to the work that particular team does.

Where to find out even more about why company culture matters

If you are still not convinced that company culture matters, we suggest that you read this study that was carried out by professors from the Duke University Fuqua School of Business.

They interviewed 1,348 North American executives and uncovered several more compelling reasons for firms to make improving company culture a priority.

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